Thursday, September 13, 2007

HW 6: Interest Statement for Semester-Long Project

When it comes to social computing my top interests would have to be, aggregators, instant messaging and social networking services. Aggregators interest me because they allow me to get what I want in one established place. For example I frequently use ITunes, which is an aggregator. YouTube can also be classified as an aggregator which I also use a lot. Instant messaging interests me too because I am able to talk to my friends easily without waiting for the e-mail to send and get back. With instant messaging I can just IM them whenever I want and get a response back in one second. My last interest is social networking services such as Face book. This program is used by almost high scholar and college student, so it is to be expected that it would appeal to me.
I am interested in how refugees are being treated around the world. It is an ongoing problem and after learning about the struggles of refugees over the past couple years, I have grown an appeal to the subject. Another issue that I want to pursue would be that of illegal immigration. This problem is growing in America especially and I want to find out how my age group feels about this issue. The last thing that I want to draw more attention to is the rights and empowerment of poor or working-class people. I take interest to this subject because I can relate. My family has been part of the working class for a while and many of friends have had financial problems. I want to find out what rights we have and which rights we do not have.

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